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We are like-minded individuals, committed to reshaping urban living, with environment, family and human experience as our guiding principles in every decision. Through modern technology, sustainable products, eco-designs and Missing-Middle housing options, Oikoi Living homes are designed to make a positive impact on both the residents and the community at large.


As the fastest growing city in North America, Toronto’s housing supply can’t keep up with its population growth. The solutions have been limited to the “tall and sprawl” approach where people have been forced to choose between low-density subdivisions removed from the city centre or high-density developments built on small parcels of land.

At Oikoi Living, we believe in expanding the choices for housing beyond too-small condos, long commutes to a home outside the city or detached single-family houses. Converting single-family houses to make room for additional units is the easiest and quickest way to make a significant addition to the housing supply and offer a choice that most people desire: marketing studies show a strong preference for lower, ground-related housing in already mature urban neighbourhoods. Such conversions allow for the rapid supply of units in the most sought-after single-family neighbourhoods of our city.

We see the opportunity to grow thriving neighbourhoods by increasing the missing middle population, which also helps stabilize local populations that have been experiencing recent declines; this in turn improves the long-term quality of life and health of urban communities by supporting educational, social, retail amenities and most importantly, public transit that reduces car dependency. We see the future in local neighbourhoods, sustainable housing, and more livable spaces.

At Oikoi Living we are dedicated to building a better future with family, economy and environment built into the design of the home.




Alain Cogan, Principal and President of Oikoi Living, oversees the company’s strategic direction and is involved in every aspect of the development process, from conception to construction.
Alain is focused on shaping the future of sustainable urban living and the transformative impact this has in our cities and our lives. Alain has owned several successful businesses before founding Oikoi Living. As a financial industry veteran and founder of Cogan Financial Capital Group Ltd., Alain is one of the most trusted and well-respected names in the financial industry.
Alain regularly presents at some of Canada’s largest professional firms. He is also a frequent lecturer in the areas of business and law at the University of Toronto and York University.
As President of Oikoi Living, Alain is focused on growing the business with a keen eye on financial stability and efficient practices to make Oikoi Living a key player in the re-evolution of urban living in Toronto and beyond.



Ralph Kemp has been involved in all facets of real estate development for over four decades. With a keen eye for strategically identifying properties for intensification and maximizing density, Ralph worked on major redevelopments in both Canada and the United States.
In Toronto, Ralph worked in Toronto’s Rosedale, Annex and Yorkville neighbourhoods, eventually managing a portfolio of over 500 units.
Ralph’s pursuits also steered him to the revitalization of underutilized waterfront properties in Ontario. He rezoned and redeveloped waterfront resort and recreational sites in the southern Georgian Bay region.
Ralph also spent a decade in New Orleans, in the city’s iconic French Quarter and Garden districts converting single-family homes and apartment properties into condominiums, He returned to Toronto in 2006 as a real estate development consultant, applying his extensive knowledge, experience and love for the city to target prime locations for redevelopment.
As a Partner in Oikoi Living, Ralph continues to develop premier urban sites using his breadth of experience and skillful command of the real estate industry to ensure Oikoi Living projects efficiently navigate through approvals and construction.